The first MATRIX Metabolomics Research Travel Scholarship was awarded to Thao Nguyen to attend the West Coast Metabolomics Center: Hands-on LC-MS Data processing and Statistics from January 14-19, 2019.

Time Management Workshop
January 24, 2019. Time: 9:00 am- 5:00 pm. Location: RGN 4161
In collaboration with NSERC-CREATE Technomise program and MITACS.
Description: This energetic, intensive one-day course will sharpen your professional time management skills and optimize your working week. Building on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) best practices, methodologies, and productivity tactics, the course provides tools and techniques that can be applied to a partner industry project or employment-based role. Whether you’re handling dynamic timelines alone or within a team, you’ll be able to reach your project targets with the knowledge gained in this course.
Learning Outcomes: 1) Optimize your professional days and weeks; 2) Effectively define targets and goals so that they are clear and sustainable; 3) Accurately estimate activity duration; 4) Improve focus and better manage interruptions; 5) Reduce corrective communication; 6) Better defend project schedules without sacrificing relationship quotient; 7) Improve and leverage personal energy for sustainable follow-through on activities.
Seahorse Research Day 2019 - February 4th, 2019
10:30am: Welcome and Synopsis of use of Seahorse in research at the University of Ottawa’s Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences (Dr. Harper)
11:00am- noon: Posters from MATRIX and Mitochondrial Journal Club members

Career Professionalism Workshop
February 6, 2019, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm, RGN 4161
In collaboration with NSERC-CREATE Technomise program and MITACS:
Description: When working with others, we often forget the impressions and impact we have on those around us. We dismiss just how important our personal reputation impacts the way we are perceived and in turn, how others relate to us and ultimately, what opportunities are opened to us. From first impressions to making a lasting impression, this one-day course will provide you with tips, tricks, and tools from dressing the part to knowing how to apply effective communication techniques and professional behavior when working closely with others.
Learning Outcomes: 1) Have a broad understanding of business etiquette and how it applies to the work environment; 2) Understand the importance of personal reputation; 3) Learn how to dress for success; 4) Gain the tools to avoid common email etiquette pitfalls and create a professional e-profile and reputation; 5) Expand their knowledge on how to apply effective communication techniques and professional behaviour while working closely with others; 6) Be able to strategically plan and run (and participate in) effective meetings; 7) Have the tools and knowledge to apply professionalism when traveling for business or attending business functions.

NSERC CREATE Matrix Metabolomics Basecamp - 2019
Comprehensive exploration of lipidomic and metabolomic mass spectrometry methods for the study of metabolism from the “ground-up.” Students will learn how to extract biological samples, operate a mass spectrometer, analyze raw data, identify lipids and metabolites within these datasets, and perform univariate, multivariate, supervised and unsupervised learning analysis in R. Students will be instructed in skills relevant to research project design (e.g., selection of research models), methodology, and the rigorous interpretation of results necessary to ensure accurate lipidomic/metabolomic results. Students will be introduced to approaches for the analysis of large data sets (e.g., from lipidomics, metabolomics), with an emphasis on the skills required for quantitative lipid assessment.

OISB 2019 Scientific Conference and Matrices Symposium
May 6th and 7th
NAV Center - St Lawrence Seaway

Troubleshooting Seminar Series - MitoMATRIX JC/WIP
Jan 7, 2019 | Dr. Chantal Pileggi - Mitochondria Bound to Lipid Droplets Have Unique Bioenergetics, Composition, and Dynamics that Support Lipid Droplet Expansion |
Jan 21, 2019 | Kim Reid - Defective respiration and one-carbon metabolism contribute to impaired naïve T cell activation in aged mice |
Feb 11, 2019 | Dallas Nygard - Obesity modifies the stoichiometry of mitochondrial proteins in a way that is distinct to the subcellular localization of the mitochondria in skeletal muscle |
Mar 4, 2019 | Luciana Souza Moreira - Serine Metabolism Supports Macrophage IL-1b Production |
Mar 11, 2019 | Fahmida Jahan - Project: NAD+ depletion as a cause of placental dysfunction in preeclampsia |
Mar 18, 2019 | Dr. Jens Frey Halling - Role of PGC1alpha in mitochondrial function – beyond biogenesis |
Apr 1, 2019 | Dr. Georges Kanaan - Cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase 1A is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer and mediates gemcitabine resistance by reducing intracellular gemcitabine metabolites |
Apr 8, 2019 | Justin Chitpin - Bayesian networks for mass spectrometric metabolite identification via molecular fingerprints |
Apr 15, 2019 | Alana St. Bernard - Project: Bioenergetic Analysis of Metabolic Drugs in HER2+ Breast Cancer |
June 17 2019 | Ariff Iqbal - Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR |
Jun 24, 2019 | Nicole Baker - Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Directs Stem Cell Polarity via Regulation of Mitofusin |
Jul 8, 2019 | Georges Cairns |
Jul 15, 2019 | Michel Kanaan - SGLT2 inhibition reprograms systemic metabolism via FGF21-dependent and - independent mechanisms |
Jul 22, 2019 | Dr. David Patten - Diabetes causes marked inhibition of mitochondrial metabolism in pancreatic B-cells |
July 29 2019 | Nidhi Kuksal - Cardiac natriuretic peptides promote adipose ‘browning’ through mTOR complex-1 |
August 12 2019 | Jess Madhavee Thumiah - Mitochondrial Dynamics Is Critical for the Full Pluripotency and Embryonic Developmental Potential of Pluripotent Stem Cells |
August 19 2019 | Nina Hadzimustafic - Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) improves glucose tolerance via AMP-activated protein kinase activation |
August 26 2019 | Rajaa Sebaa - Cafeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo |
Sep 9, 2019 | Thao Nguyen - Mitochondria-specific photoactivation to monitor local sphingosine metabolism and function |
Sep 16, 2019 | Graeme McDowell - Mitochondrial biogenesis is transcriptionally repressed in lysosomal lipid storage diseases |
Sep 23, 2019 | Zeina Salloum - Human and murine macrophages exhibit differential metabolic responses to lipopolysaccharide - A divergent role for glycolysis |
Sep 30, 2019 | Alexanne Cuillerier - Leigh Syndrome Mouse Model Can Be Rescued by Interventions that Normalize Brain Hyperoxia, but Not HIF Activation |
Oct 7, 2019 | Dallas Nygard - Cranberries versus lingonberries: A challenging authentication of similar Vaccinium fruit |
Oct 21, 2019 | Justin Chitpin - The number of active metabolic pathways is bounded by the number of cellular constraints at maximal metabolic rates |
Oct 28, 2019 | Dr. Yannick Audet-Delage - Cell Clustering Promotes a Metabolic Switch that Supports Metastatic Colonization |
Nov 4, 2019 | Luciana Moreira - Metabolic Phenotyping of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Reveals a Unique Signature and Intrinsic Differences between Fat Pads |
Nov 18, 2019 | Sean Lim - Nuclear Glycogenolysis Modulates Histone Acetylation in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers |
Nov 25, 2019 | Le Chang - A network-based conditional genetic association analysis of the human metabolome |
Dec 9, 2019 | Gaganvir Parmar - Respiratory supercomplexes provide metabolic efficiency in zebrafish |
Dec 16, 2019 | Babatunde Onayemi - Activation of Oxidative Stress Response in Cancer Generates a Druggable Dependency on Exogenous Non-essential Amino Acids |